Masami Ito
The Japan Times, June 5, 2010
The new administration Prime Minister Naoto Kan will form next week won't have much time to act when it comes to foreign affairs.
Japan's ties with the United States will hinge on his team's ability to follow through on the agreement recently hammered out by his predecessor, Yukio Hatoyama, to move U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma farther north in Okinawa.
Kan said he intended to honor the agreement when he announced his candidacy Thursday for the Democratic Party of Japan's presidency.
"The U.S. base issue in Okinawa is an extremely difficult problem with factors such as reducing the burden of the Okinawan people and maintaining a trusting relationship between Japan and the U.S. over security issues," Kan said after keeping a prolonged silence over the issue.
"On the basis of the Japan-U.S. agreement, I think it is necessary to continue making a long, sustained effort to reduce the burden of Okinawa."
The balancing act will be easier said than done.
Masami Ito
The Japan Times, June 5, 2010
The new administration Prime Minister Naoto Kan will form next week won't have much time to act when it comes to foreign affairs.
Japan's ties with the United States will hinge on his team's ability to follow through on the agreement recently hammered out by his predecessor, Yukio Hatoyama, to move U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma farther north in Okinawa.
Kan said he intended to honor the agreement when he announced his candidacy Thursday for the Democratic Party of Japan's presidency.
"The U.S. base issue in Okinawa is an extremely difficult problem with factors such as reducing the burden of the Okinawan people and maintaining a trusting relationship between Japan and the U.S. over security issues," Kan said after keeping a prolonged silence over the issue.
"On the basis of the Japan-U.S. agreement, I think it is necessary to continue making a long, sustained effort to reduce the burden of Okinawa."
The balancing act will be easier said than done.
(...) [artículo aquí]
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