Monday, 11 October 2010




Chico Harlan

The Washington Post, October 11, 2010

TOKYO - North Korean leader-in-waiting Kim Jong Eun appeared Sunday with his father at a mass-scale military parade, orchestrated to showcase Pyongyang's might as it builds support for another hereditary power transfer.

With select foreign news media broadcasting live, North Korea staged one of the biggest celebrations in its history. Leader Kim Jong Il and his youngest son watched from a viewing box as tens of thousands of troops - as well as tanks, missiles and rocket-propelled grenades - moved in perfect geometry through an open public square, named after North Korean founder Kim Il Sung. Kim Jong Eun, wearing a dark Maoist suit, greeted the procession with applause, salutes and the occasional smile.

North Korea took unprecedented steps to turn its Oct. 10 Workers' Party anniversary - among its biggest holidays - into a coming-out party for its young general, who only two weeks ago remained shrouded in mystery. Nearly 80 foreign journalists were granted access to the secretive nation. Although they followed a mandated schedule, always accompanied by official guides, they were allowed to broadcast live footage of Sunday's events.

North Korea typically limits dissent by sealing off outside information, but journalists staying at the Koryo Hotel also discovered two surprises: a press room and Internet access.

(...) [artículo aquí]

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