Saturday, 7 April 2012


Business Standard


Indian companies must avoid the errors in the West's models for managing services

V S Mahesh

Business Standard, April 7, 2012

The last few centuries have seen the Western economies record phenomenal growth even as India slid from being the largest contributor to world GDP in 1500 to accounting for a fraction of one per cent in 1947. By the time the Industrial Revolution peaked in the 19th century, Western business enterprises had become the undisputed leaders in the production, distribution and marketing of products. Mass production, automation and computerisation were the internal strengths on which success was built.

An Indian born and brought up in an impoverished country could not be faulted for assuming that the only way to succeed was to follow Western ways. Corporate India led the drift Westwards. Along the way, we appear to have lost the self-confidence to create and use home-grown approaches to the management of organisations – and economies – without discarding the strengths of Western models.

(...) [artículo aquí]

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