Saturday, 29 January 2011


The China Post


John J. Metzler

The China Post, January 29, 2011

The recent State Visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao to the United States evoked a business trip as much as a glittering diplomatic sojourn.

The three-day venture was a smoothly scripted event showcasing China's "peaceful rise." Meetings with U.S. President Barack Obama, and congressional leaders provided the backdrop.

The People's Republic of China strives to appear and be treated as an equal "fellow global player" not an aspiring political adversary or for that matter recalled as the world's largest authoritarian dictatorship.

So when Hu Jintao went to Washington DC, it evoked a visit from America's largest Banker or Lender rather than the trip by the Chairman of the Communist Party of China.

Shortly after Jimmy Carter the human rights president opened full diplomatic ties with Beijing the world's largest dictatorship in 1979, I vividly recall when then paramount leader Deng Xiaoping visited America; the diminutive dictator was touted in many American cities. In Atlanta after visiting Coca Cola, one newspaper gushed "Teng Twinkles, Atlantans Learn."

(...) [artículo aquí]

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