Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Business Standard, April 8, 2008

China will lead Asia-Pacific sovereigns in economic growth in 2008, followed by India, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said today.

Though Japan is still the largest economy in the region, China’ growth could position the country as the biggest economy in Asia-Pacific and the second-largest globally within the next five years.

In a report published today titled “The Best and the Rest: The 2008 Asia-Pacific Sovereign League,” S&P’s highlights the key quantitative features and trends of its statistical forecasts for 2008 for the 22 rated sovereigns in the Asia-Pacific region.

“We also expect the Indian growth story to continue, with the country at number two in the regional league. In the global growth ranking, dominated by resource-rich nations benefiting from high commodity prices, China and India are still among the top 10 fastest-growing economies. Strong domestic demand is likely to support their economic performances even if demand from the US and Europe weakens,” it said.

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